| Diamonds Buying Guide  
This natural stone is a popular gemstone especially for engagement rings and earrings. Before you buy diamonds, you should understand the four standard measurements: cut, carat, colour and clarity. These measurements are used to compare and grade diamonds and will help you decide what type to buy based on your budget and style preferences. |
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The cut refers to the shape of the diamond, based on the angles and proportions that allow light to reflect from one facet to another. Diamond shapes are many and varied, ranging from round cuts and hearts to pear and oval. The traditional shape is round brilliant with 58 facets as its symmetry allows it to reflect more light, making it the most brilliant of all the shapes. The famous Tiffany diamond was given 90 facets, 32 more than the traditional round brilliant cut, giving the Tiffany diamond intense colour and brilliance. Other popular shapes are marquise, emerald and princess.

Diamonds are known for their brilliance and a well-cut diamond should maximise this effect, whether it’s solitaire (a jewel set by itself) or in a gold or platinum setting. The cut of a diamond consists of three factors: grade, depth and polish.
Grade - A standard grading report describes the cut of a diamond, based on the shape or outline and the pattern made by the facet arrangement (also known as the cutting style). Depth – This refers to how deep the stone has been cut. If a stone has been cut too shallow or too deep, the diamond will lose light through the bottom or sides, which will cause the stone to sparkle less. Polish – The polish determines the stone’s brilliance. A poor polish or rough facets will reduce the diamond’s brilliance and its value.

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1 carat = 100 points = 200 milligrams (one fifth of a gram)
The cut and setting can often make a diamond look bigger than its carat weight so examine all 4 standard measurements before buying. Large diamonds are quite rare and naturally, prices increase significantly with the carat weight. If you want a high carat diamond, often the case when buying an engagement ring, consider a slight downgrade in size. 
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CERTIFICATIONMany eBay diamond sellers offer certificated listings that include diamond appraisal (estimated retail value) and certification value in their listings. Certification, (official documents issued by third-party gemological labs) states the details about each gem (as a minimum, a grading report of the 4 Cs - cut, carat, colour and clarity) and is independent of market value. The certification can also include: Certification confirming the diamond’s quality Proof that a diamond is organic (natural) Serial number on the girdle of laser-inscribed diamonds (for certification and identification purposes)

Before you buy a diamond on eBay: Ensure that the grading certificate has been issued by a reputable gemologist or gemological lab. It can be difficult to determine impartiality and stringency of unknown labs. Look for listings which offer a picture of the grading certificate and the serial number. Some labs offer online checking whereby you can type in the serial number and validate the lab that certificated the diamond as well as the specs. Ask the seller how they confirmed the origin of the diamond so you can avoid buying a conflict diamond – gems sold to fund wars and purchase weapons. Some eBay sellers use the term ‘Kimberley Process confirmed’ – the Kimberley Process aims to certify international diamonds in order to stop this trade.
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Diamonds might be the hardest naturally-occurring substance on Earth, but they need to be looked after. Diamonds, loose or otherwise, should be stored individually in soft cloth pouches to prevent the stones from hitting each other and chipping. Certain settings also offer better protection: four-prong setting, six-prong setting and low-profile channel (also known as bezel settings). Regular Cleaning Diamonds are renowned for their brilliance, but dust, oil from your skin and other unclean substances can reduce the stone’s sparkle. To protect your diamond ring, engagement ring and earrings, follow the tips below and remember, if the diamond is in a metal setting, treat it gently as gold can scratch. Clean your diamonds every now and then in soap and water. Let the jewel air-dry then polish with a soft cloth. Using a worn, soft-bristle toothbrush, occasionally brush the diamond to remove dirt from between the crevices. For more resistant blemishes, use a soft brush with a weak solution of one part ammonia and four parts water.
Professional Maintenance Jewellers can also clean diamonds and gems for you, using steam or ultrasound. However, ultrasound can aggravate internal fissures or flaws so make sure the diamond’s existing clarity isn’t affected. You should also ask the jeweller to ensure the diamonds are secure in their settings to prevent the stones from falling out. |  Back to top |

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