eBay Buyer Protection Guide

You’re in safe hands when you shop on eBay

In most cases, eBay transactions go through with no problems at all. But we’ve put safeguards in place to make sure that if anything does go wrong, you will get the item you wanted or your money refunded in full, including postage.

The best way to pay

If you use PayPal, eBay Buyer Protection is free for nearly all purchases. If you pay another way we’ll still try to help, but we recommend everyone uses PayPal’s secure service.

If something goes wrong

The first thing to do is to contact the seller and try to sort out the issue between the two of you. If you still disagree let us know and we’ll investigate, keeping you in touch every step of the way.

We’re here to help

If you still need help, contact us. We can speak to your seller and try to get a quick solution to your issue. Our job is to help everyone deliver on their promise and keep eBay working

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Safety Centre
Visit here to see what we’re doing to make browsing and shopping worry free.
Resolution Centre
Our team is here to sort things out between you and the seller and make sure you are satisfied.
Please see Terms and conditions of eBay Buyer Protection / Full Details

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