eBay Customer Support Guide

We’ll help you get things sorted

We’ve done all we can to make sure the answers to most questions are available online. If you need extra help, our team is there for you. Just make sure you follow the steps below so we can solve your problem as quickly as possible.

How can we help you?

The first step is to Contact Us and tell us what the issue is. You’ll find answers to the most common questions here and a quick search may help you find your question if it’s not listed.

Need to speak to someone?

If you can’t find the answer in any of our help sections, visit Contact Us and choose a top issue or ask a question. Click ‘call’ and we’ll give you a direct phone number and a PIN number.

Why do I need a PIN?

To protect your personal information we can only discuss your account with the account holder. You’ll need to log in to your eBay account and get a PIN number so we know it’s really you!

Got a question? The answer is probably just a click away

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Safety Centre
Visit here to see what we’re doing to make browsing and shopping worry free.
Resolution Centre
Our team is here to sort things out between you and the seller and make sure you are satisfied.

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