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Shop local, sell local, be local

Support your community in a sustainable way with eBay.

Shop locally

  • Buy and sell the easy way

  • Local collection options are automatically applied to listings, so you can stay stress-free and discover a win-win solution on your doorstep.

  • Embrace a greener way to shop that cuts down on waste from postage and packaging while supporting local people. Connect with buyers and sellers in your area to collect items with secure payments and straightforward transactions.

Sell in your local area

Make money and find a buyer that's close to you.

How it works for sellers

  • 1

    Easy collection

    Local delivery and pick-up options will be automatically applied to listings.

  • 2

    Complete sales

    Buyers pay online to guarantee a secure transaction.

  • 3

    Coordinate pick-ups

    After the sale, use the chat function to organise collection with the buyer.

  • 4

    Confirm handover

    The provided QR or six-digit code will help you know you’re meeting the right person.

How it works for buyers

  • 1

    Discover local deals

    Search with your postcode to discover listings in your area.

  • 2

    Buy online

    Agree on a price with sellers and submit payment through eBay.

  • 3

    Easy collection

    Arrange pick-up details with the seller via the chat function.

  • 4

    Confirm handover

    Use the QR or six-digit code provided when collecting to release the payment.

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