Guidelines for photographers using eBay Pictures site
Photographs need to be your own original work. eBay Pictures does not accept any photographs you download from any website or that you received from another source.
You are required to read and accept our Terms & Condition before you upload your photos.
By submitting your photographs to eBay Pictures, you represent that you have the right to distribute them and that they comply with the eBay pictures Terms & Conditions. Photographs must meet the below guidelines:
a) Sharp image, not blurred.
b) The photograph should be of a front view or a slight angle view of the product, not a back view or a side view.
c) Background – White background.
d) Drop Shadow – images should not have a drop shadow (a drop shadow is a shadow of the image that is covering the image itself).
e) Images with boxes - Picture with boxes are allowed if the packages provide more information than the actual product.
o For EU: Pictures of perfumes & cosmetics should include the box.
f) The image should not contain any copyright marks, watermarks or other digital signatures.
g) Body part: images that show body parts or faces shouldn’t be uploaded.
h) Product placement in the image - the product should take up most of the image's space and look clear to the user.
i) Multiple objects in the image - an image that displays more than one product shouldn't be uploaded. Unless the product is such that it requires multiple images for example Xbox with an extra remote
j) The minimum size of image should be at least 100X150 (or 150X100) pixels in JPEG. Maximum size of image to be 1000X1600 pixels on the longer side. However user can submit images exceeding the maximum size but in that case the images will get normalized to its maximum size
k) JPG file format.
Amounts are in GBP unless otherwise noted and are generally paid using your PayPal account and settings. Click here for additional information.
Use of the eBay Pictures Web site is subject to the eBay Pictures Terms of Use.