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Sales Reports

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Sales Reports
Sales Reports Plus


Sales Reports Overview

eBay’s Sales Reports help you track your key performance metrics so you can:
Measure your existing eBay business against sales goals
Understand the main drivers of your business
Determine areas of opportunity and areas for improvement
Refine your business strategy to ensure success.

As eBay’s marketplace evolves, continuing to understand how your business changes and identifying new opportunities are the keys to your success! Our goal is to make this easier for you!

Sign up today for Sales Reports and expand your knowledge immediately!


Subscription Fee

See a high-level view of your most recent activity, including a summary of your:
Ended Listings

Successful Listings %

Average Sale Price
eBay and Paypal fees


See in-depth views of your most recent activity. Sales Reports Plus offers everything in the basic product PLUS:
Metrics by Category

Metrics by Format (e.g, Fixed Price)

Metrics by Category & Format
Metrics by Ending Day or Time for all formats
Buyer counts
Detailed eBay fees

Unpaid Item Credits Requested

Ability to show or hide sections

Download capabilities