Register your business with eBay
To register your business and start trading under your business name on eBay, you’ll need to provide the following:
  • UK postal address or landline telephone number
  • Details of a bank account that accepts Direct Debit instructions

We ask for the postal address or telephone number so that we can contact you to confirm your registration. This helps to keep eBay a safe place to buy and sell.

We ask for your bank account details so that the fees you incur when you sell items can be collected by Direct Debit.

VAT registration: Business sellers can provide eBay with their VAT identification number and receive net invoices on their eBay fees. Your VAT identification number is the best evidence that you are in business.

Laws and policies: Legal guidance for business sellers is available, and gives you information about how to keep your listings on the right side of the law.

Successful selling:We’ve got information and advice for sellers in our Seller Centre, to help you take the first steps to starting a global online business.