Adding a billboard is a great way to promote your brand, your products, and Shop events such as special offers or promotions. For example, you can promote seasonal sales or create a single-image collage to display a variety of products. You can change your billboard as often as you want.
Which size image should I use when adding a billboard to my Shop?
When adding a billboard to your Shop, make sure you use an image that fits precisely in the 1200-pixel wide x 270-pixel tall space at the top of the Shop page. Larger images will be cropped, and smaller images will be centered in the middle of the larger space, creating a less visually appealing billboard.
As always, make sure you have permission to use any images and text that you include. Learn more in our image and text policy.
How long is my Shop description?
You can enter up to 1,000 characters in your Shop description, so you have plenty of space to describe your business, product theme and policies in complete sentences. The first 160 characters are displayed to all buyers, with the option to expand and view the full description. Your description may also appear in search engines, such as Google.
I already have a logo on my Shop. Do I need to change it?
You don't have to, but we'd recommend you upload a square logo to display correctly on your Shop. We require a minimum 150x150 pixels, but would recommend you upload a 300x300 pixel image for the best quality. In addition to a more professional, modern look, this means better sharing on social networks, and better quality on mobile devices.
If your logo's not available yet, you can upload a new logo at any time.
What happens to my custom pages and headers when I publish my new Shop?
If your existing Shop uses custom pages and headers, these won't appear in your new Shop once you've updated to the new Shop experience. Keep in mind that your Shop provides new branding options like the billboard and longer description text, so you may find that you don't need custom pages and headers. If you prefer using custom pages, headers, and promotion boxes, you can always revert back to your old Shop at any time.
How do featured listings work?
Featured listings are a great way to showcase your popular inventory. The featured listings section in your Shop will display listings that are ending soon, but you also have the choice of handpicking your featured listings, as well as having us automatically display newly listed items that are ending soon.
Once I've published my Shop, how soon can customers start shopping?
As soon as you publish your Shop, it'll be open for business. You can start selling immediately.
Managing my Shop
Can I continue to use my existing Shop categories?
Yes, your existing custom categories will still appear in your Shop and you can continue to create and edit categories the same way you do now.
Can buyers still subscribe to my Shop newsletters?
Yes, buyers will be able to subscribe to your newsletters from your Shop.
How is my profile related to my Shop?
Your profile allows you to communicate everything about you in one place. Use it to showcase your brand, highlight your expertise and build customer trust through buyer guides, ratings and reviews. Your profile points to your Shop, where buyers can then view and purchase your items.
What if I decide later that I prefer my old Shop?
If you decide the new Shop isn't for you, you can switch back to your old Shop at any time. We'll eventually update all Shops to the new experience, though, so we recommend that you get an early start applying your unique branding and delighting your buyers.
Can I change the name of my Shop?
You can change your Shop name as often as you want. Once you've published your Shop, however, the URL stays the same, even once you've changed your Shop name. This is so your shop appears higher in search results for buyers that are searching for you, and buyers who have bookmarked your Shop can still find you.