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Selling Manager Pro: Comparison

eBay offers both desktop and web-based listing and sales management tools designed to meet the needs of medium to high volume sellers. Compare these products in the table below and find out which seller tool(s) are right for you.

   Supported in Selling Manager Pro    Supported in Selling Manager
Supported in
Turbo Lister

Feature Turbo Lister
& Selling
Application Type
Offline - Access through your desktop   
Online - Access through My eBay
Creating Listings
List items on eBay in Bulk
Supports eBay Picture Services
Create fixed price listings for your eBay Shops
Easy to use listing templates FREE FREE
Organize your saved items using folders
Preview listings before submitting
Schedule when a listing will be submitted FREE
Supports multiple user profile and preferences   
WYSIWYG description editor
Supports creating listings for multiple sites
Import items from eBay   
Managing Inventory
Automatic incrementing and decrementing of inventory   
Restock alerts   
Ability to create listings linked to a specific product   
Tracking sales information
Preview, Edit, reschedule or cancel scheduled listings online
Monitor your active listings real time
Up to date summary of the number of pending, active and sold listings you have in a snapshot
Track your Gross Merchandise Volume amount for active and sold listings
Find out when your listings end real time and track your unsold items
Bulk Relist your sold and unsold items
Keep track of your buyer communication and whether your items have been paid or shipped in bulk
Store sales and customer information
Uses fully customizable email templates to communicate with your buyers
Record your buyer communication to help with Unpaid Items
Stores custom feedback messages to re-use
Keep track of whether your buyer has left you postive, negative or neutral feedback
Leave feedback in bulk   
Print shipping labels
Print invoices
Print invoices and labels in bulk   
Supports managing listings for all sites
Monthly view of archived sales
Automatic payment received notification email and automatic item shipped notification email   
Automatic feedback left when buyer pays   
Monthly Profit and Loss report including all eBay Sales, Fees, Cost of Good, Tax, etc   
Rexportable Report in Excel   
  Subscription & download
Monthly subscription TL - Free
  SM - Free

   Supported in Selling Manager Pro    Supported in Selling Manager
Supported in
Turbo Lister

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