Step 2:

Once you have selected the type of email you want to send, it is time to begin to Create the Email. This is your chance to choose the details that will go into your email. You can choose to use our standard greeting or personalise it in your own words.

A. Select which Mailing List you would like to distribute the email to.
B. Schedule Emails: You can automate the delivery of emails by specifying a recurring schedule. You have the ability to change the frequency and what day of the week to send the email. This is a useful feature if you engage in repeat 7-day auctions.
C. Based on the type of email you select, the content for the email will be pre-selected for inclusion into the email. You have the ability to modify the automatic content in the Personal Message area, or keep everything "as is" and without changing anything.
D. The Showcase and Item List will be pre-filled based on the type of email that is selected. As with the content, these defaults can be modified before the email is sent out.
E. The Feedback Profile is automatically added to each email by default. This can be turned off before the email is sent.

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