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Sell like a pro with an all-in-one online tool for maximum selling efficiency

Selling Manager Pro is an online selling tool to help you create listings, manage post-sale activities and manage your inventory. A great option for high volume sellers who want a robust, web-based eBay tool. Only £4.99 per month.

   Automatically list and relist items
   Buyer auto notification; payment received, item shipped
   Auto feedback upon buyer payment
   Restock alerts

Selling Manager Pro offers all the features associated with Selling Manager , plus automatic listing and relisting of items, automated payment, shipping status and feedback to buyers.

Helpful Selling Manager Pro Links
Take the Online Tour Read the FAQs Help Board
Get Online Help Ask Questions Comparison Table

Selling Manager Pro Features

Full sales management

• Create and schedule listings in bulk
• Free listing designer creates more professional-looking listings
• Upload your inventory from .csv files

Time saving automation

• Schedule your listings for FREE
• Save time by automating some of your post sales emails and feedback
• Automatically email buyers when payment is received and your item has shipped

Advanced business features

• Create monthly profit and loss reports
• Find out your products' success ratio and average selling price
• Download your sales history in .csv files

System Requirements
ՠInternet Connection
ՠMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6 or later, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later, Apple Safari 2 or later. More Web Browser Recommendations for Using eBay.
ՠSupports any operating system, including Macintosh

Or try one of our other helpful seller tools:

  • Upload, revise, relist or end thousands of listings at once
  • Download active and sold listings
  • Supports Half.com

    Learn More or Subscribe Now